DVL (www.dvlonline.com) contains more than 25000+ records from 1000+ selected publishers covering medicine, clinical medicine, preventive medicine, pediatrics, dermatology, neurology, cardiology, gastroenterology, nephrology, anatomy, physiology, biochemistry, pathology, dentistry, endodontic, pedodontics, surgery, periodontics, oral pathology, nursing education, pharmacy, pharmacology, drug and development, management, finance, accounting, human resource and other related sub-subjects. The database is accessible on the internet and new journals/e-books/articles/videos/ is added on monthly basis. Indexed resources are published in English language only.
Over 25,000+ records are currently available, together with an expanding range of specialist tools and services – for example subject specific searches and data mining. To enhance the further research, Dvirtual Library also provides the links to other useful e-resources. Through our single search box, every one can free search the resources of India’s leading virtual library. Our online search and discovery platform, designed to maximize search with efficiency, and simplify workflow- all in a simple, integrated and easy-to-access. We provide 24/7/365 online access support, to assist our customer with product setup and implementation, online training, system customization and personalization.